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留言人 Phoebe
留言標題 Let's talk about money (0630)
留言時間 2016-06-30 14:59

Which word do you use when talking about "salary"?

(A) I deserve more salaries.
(B) I deserve a higher / better salary.

Bruce4 樓回覆
2016-07-05 15:27
Dear Phoebe, thanks for your friendly reminder, I'll do my best next time.Have a nice day.
Phoebe3 樓回覆
2016-07-05 12:32
Right. Good job, Bruce. Next time you may want to write in your own words instead of the copy from others. We need to practice writing, right?
Bruce2 樓回覆
2016-07-01 11:54
I try to find answers on the internet and get the closest answer, so I copy and paste it to fill in the reply field.
Bruce1 樓回覆
2016-06-30 23:31
There are two mistakes in the incorrect sentence. Salary describes the money that someone is paid each month or year by their employer. Salaries is a plural that describes either two or more salaries paid to one person from two or more employers, or two or more salaries paid to multiple employees.

"More salaries" is also incorrect because the speaker does not mean that they want more jobs. We say a higher salary or a better salary to mean that we want our job to pay more. Therefore, the example sentence can also be expressed as "I deserve a raise".


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